Author: moundain
The Return of Sangai 2018
The dear story of a deer saved from extinction at the only floating national park in the world. Keibul Lamjao National Park Manipur, India.
Secret Life of Bhopal Tigers 2022
A short movie on World’s first Urban Tigers thriving just on the outskirts of Bhopal, a city with close to 30 lakh plus people. Take a look into the secretive lives of tigers living near the urban landscape of Bhopal. You will be amazed by their ability to adapt to the urban setting in which…
Is it still possible to shoot movies with film camera in India?
Guide to shoot on Kodak Motion Picture film in India. Workflow, where to find materials, help and support for this special dream.
The Last Hop(e)
Embark a journey with C R Naik & Clinton Vaz, people like you and me who could do their best to save the frogs of Western Ghats, India. India is a country where traditionally the common man has lived in harmony with the natural environment. But, over the last few decades, modernization and unplanned urbanization…
The Artist and His Bengaluru, 2023
This immersive experience offers a fresh lens to appreciate the beauty and diversity of Bengaluru through T. S. Sundar, an 82-year-old artist, crafts using seeds and thorns collected in Bengaluru.